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About Our School


School Seal

Anson Jones Elementary School  is a pre-kindergarten through 6th grade campus in the Dallas Independent School District.  Originally built in 1955 with renovations done in 1963 and 1986, this campus has a long history and serves the Cockrell Hill and Oak Cliff communities.  Anson Jones Elementary has been a central part of the community it serves, with many alumni going on to lead successful lives.  Serving majority Hispanic population (98.6%), Anson Jones ES is a neighborhood school of approximately 620 students.  75% of our students are LEP (Limited English Proficiency), and 4% of our population is served by special education.  Our campus has a total of 69 staff members, of which 58 are teachers, 11 are teacher assistants, 8 are cafeteria workers, 3 are custodial workers, and 2 are office staff. Campus administration consists of a principal and one assistant principal. 

At Anson Jones Elementary School we strive to create an environment where the AJES Community pursues lifelong academic and social excellence.  Working collaboratively with stakeholders, our goal is to create a safe and nurturing learning environment that imparts character and provides students with the foundational skills that will prepare them for academic and social success. As such, the AJES community is continually developing and revising goals that assist in accomplishing our mission.

At Anson Jones ES, the school staff works closely with parents and the community to ensure student success. Parents are valued partners and are encouraged to participate in school activities. Our staff hosts monthly support workshops for parents on subjects from health to homework. Other parent involvement opportunities include assisting in classrooms, participating in PTA, and serving on the Site-Based Decision Making committee.