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Hi, my name is Henrietta Harris, a native of Mississippi who has lived in Dallas for over 35 years, and I am excited to join Anson Jones Elementary as the School Counselor.

I was an ESL teacher for over 13 years at the elementary level and worked as a Mental Health Counselor for 12 years. My education includes a "Bachelor of Arts in Commercial Art" from Mississippi State University and a Master of Arts in Professional Counseling from Amberton University.

As a school counselor, I present classroom lessons for students to help them learn academic, social-emotional, and career awareness skills. Evaluate program effectiveness and student needs and growth through data collection—network with staff, families, and community resources to support student success. Support student learning of strategies and coping skills through individual and group counseling.

My compassion and inclusivity are evident in my love for all people and groups, making everyone feel valued and included.