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Meet Our Assistant Principal


Marisa Saenz


Welcome to the 2024- 2025 school year!

It is an honor to have the opportunity to serve as one of the Assistant Principals at Anson Jones Elementary. My journey in education began with my commitment to learning. As a result, I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Theater Arts and English from Texas A&M University at College Station and a Master of Arts in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from the University of Texas at Arlington.

Having a passion for learning and commitment to providing all students with opportunities to excel and be successful, I began my career in education as a teacher at Anson Jones Elementary twenty years ago. Prior to returning to the Tiger team, I was fortunate to work in various roles at the elementary level in Dallas ISD, including teacher, instructional coach, and administrator. 

I am excited to return to and be a part of the AJES family. Most importantly, I am looking forward to collaborating with you as we lead our Tiger scholars to academic excellence.

Thank you,

Marisa Saenz

Assistant Principal

Anson Jones Elementary

3901 Meredith Avenue

Dallas, Texas 75211

(972) 794-4700